
esterday I once again stumbled at one of Michael's malicious phrases:

"The housebound stay riveted to storm porn on the Weather Channel and forget the usually benign panorama of clouds above their own ceiling."

Fun, first I thought that must be a metaphor, those pathetically unhealthy men watch weather channel's storm alarm the same way as I watch - no, we watch, we all watch - porn movie, so be it a metaphor.

But when I turned it to some friends - because I thought it's funny, one's response was, "What an unscrupulous and silly translation." I was admonished to do some research.

Among many results related to genuine porn movie, I found one link that simply slapped me into shame.

"Has the weather gone Hollywood?

In an effort to grab higher ratings and boost advertising in a fiercely competitive market, some television stations are being accused of exaggerating, dare we say hyping, their weather forecasts.

Crippling ice storms, devastating tsunamis and powerful hurricanes enthral viewers like a drawn-out O.J. Simpson trial or the heart-wrenching coverage of 9/11. Hurricane Katrina had us mesmerized for weeks – and the ad revenue flowed.

It used to be that weather forecasters were criticized for getting it wrong. Now, in true Chicken Little style, it's being suggested they're consistently overstating their predictions – the depth of snow, the severity of wind-chill factors – urging the audience to brace for the worst."

David Phillips, senior climatologist for Environment Canada, calls it "storm porn."

Therefore, it's basically "exaggerative weather forcast". Porn movies are always overacting and artificial.

Again, I barely located a mine with more than enough luck, sagacious friends, and my little porn movie experience.

